An instant messaging application thousands of schools and parents trust.








Welcome to the early release of the new Sync 2.0 experience

We’ve rebuilt Sync 2.0 from the ground up to improve communication for your school community.

You’ll notice that we’ve moved a few things around and added some new features, so we recommend taking a quick tour before diving in.

Feed Tab
Feed Details
Feed Report
News & Activities

All updates including news and activities will be available at your feed tab based on role and grade registered.

Public feed is for everyone while the private feed is only available for registered members with the school.

School Profile
Select Role
Select Grade
Register or Follow

You may follow schools to get public updates or register your profile as a member to get the private feed.

Wrongly registered your role or grade? Don’t worry, you may edit your registration, disable or enable notification and exit from the school as you wish.

Privacy Setting
Member List
User Profile
Privacy Setting

We understand privacy is very important for everyone, so we allow you to decide who can access your profile.

Highest privacy is only allowed teachers to access your profile limited to photo, name, role and grade registered for verification purpose.

Teacher Request
Approve or Reject
Manage Admininstrator
Manage Teacher and Administrator

The school administrator can now accept or reject the request from teachers. Once accepted, the administrators may add the teacher as another administrator or remove them from the list.

Only school administrators are allowed to send news and activity to private members and followers for now. We’ll rollout classroom messaging for class teachers to connect with students and parents in the future.

Save Feed
Edit Feed
Delete Feed
Save, Edit and Delete Feed

Administrators and members may save important news and activity for future reference.

Only administrators are allowed to edit or delete feed sent to members and will alert them with push notification to notify the changes.

Sync 1.0 will be no longer be available starting 20 December 2018.

Don’t worry, we’ve restored your important data when you update your current app to Sync 2.0.

Are you ready?

1 Update app via Play Store or App Store
2 Create your new password
3 Congratulation! You’re done

*Tips: Check your registered schools and view school updates via feed tab.

Ready to get started?